uniform visual style
Every company needs BRAND, which though costumers have remembered your goods or services. Do you buy computer or Mac? Watches or Rolex? Car or Mercedes? If you buy car, you will buy product. If you choose Mercedes, you will buy brand.
Features of brand:
is known well
is symbol
identifies company
is different from competitors
First primary pillar is logo of your company, which i will make originally for you. It will be right for your company or product. It will be easy to remember. It will be different from competitors and of course your logo will be timelessness. In agreement we can add an apt slogan to your logo.
Next materials will be developed from your logo. They will be needed for visual uniform your company. For example envelopes, letterhead papers, business cards and collators ... which i will design for you to create corporate identity.
We create strong brand together, because the brand helps to create image of company.
+ I will design one print or cover on Facebook !
Design is in everything we do and also in everything in between. This is a mix of art, science, storytellingu, propaganda, and philosophy.
-Erik Adigard-
Design is in everything we do and also in everything in between. This is a mix of art, science, storytellingu, propaganda, and philosophy.
-Erik Adigard-